
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Electronics Concepts

Microprocessor programming, IDE resources, Concepts, etc

AVR Studio- Howto create a project

Using digitial pins (pull up/down, etc)

Arduino Bootloader (burning, hacking, etc)

Arduino Stepper Motor

H-bridge circuit

XBee wireless microcontroller resources

16 channels with 65K addresses per channel

Different iterations/revs have different features- I believe that the lowest may be limited to peer-to-peer

IR communication with Microprocessor

Arduino example with code to generate carrier frequency

Blimpduino beacon

Control Arduino with Remote Control;num=1210243556

Arduino- creating a carrier frequency

Pololu beacon/transceiver developement board
Note that you need a PIC programmer and it does not come with the IR Receivers

555 Circuit to generate an IR carrier frequency
Don't forget the 50 555 circuits also has a similar circuit

Arduino Pulse Out (wiring) to generate square wave of specific frequency

Beacon project



Arduino Frequency Counter

Robot Contests and Ideas

Robotics and Microprocessor Resources

Component suppliers

Robots, sensors, components

Local Colorado Springs Resources
Volker (not sure if they'll sell)
Scrap yard (not sure if they'll sell)

Ideas, Forums, Blogs (competitions, education, organizations, etc)



Suppliers that I've not yet purchased from (very promising) Great per foot prices on silicone wire and servo wire (stepper controllers, etc)
Random ideas (from Aaron B) (Optical range finder) (Optical range finder)

Possible Gears, Belts, Pullies Sources (Gear Making Concepts)


View all posts or backup blog content

How to generate an IR beacon frequency with a microprocessor

Received by email from JL Blankenship

// F_CPU tells util/delay.h our clock frequency
//#define F_CPU 8000000UL // Orangutan frequency (8MHz)
#define F_CPU 20000000UL // Baby Orangutan frequency (20MHz)
uint16_t i;
void delayms( uint16_t millis ) {
while ( millis ) {
_delay_ms( 1 );

int main( void ) {
DDRD |= 1 << DDD0; // set LED pin PD1 to output
DDRD &= ~(1 << DDD2); // set D2 to input
while ( 1 )
for(i=1;i<556;i++) // 10ms of 56K signal
PORTD &= ~( 1 << PORTD0 ); // LED off
_delay_us(9); // delay 9 microsec
PORTD |= 1 << PORTD0; // LED on
_delay_us(9); // delay 9 microsec
if (PIND & (1< _delay_us(100); // beacon 1
_delay_us(200); // beacon 2
return 0;

Friday, December 17, 2010 good online photo/design editor (photoshop, ps, gimp)

Check it out.  It was recommended in a video.  Looks quite good for the price... free.

Monday, December 13, 2010

c++ hello world

// hello.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
    cout << "Welcome to C++ Programming" << endl;


g++ test.cpp
gcc -lstdc++ test.cpp

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Amateur welding course by an amateur

Lighting the flame

  1. Open the main valve on the acetylene tank ~1/2 turn. This charges the pressure regulator at the top of the tank.
  2. Open the pressure regulator valve on the acetylene tank (turn clockwise to open) and adjust the pressure in the acetylene line to 5 psi. DO NOT pressurize the acetylene over 15 psi - it will explode!
  3. Open the acetylene pin valve on the handle of the welding tool, letting acetylene escape. Tweak the pressure regulator valve until the regulator pressure is constant at 5 psi. Close the acetylene pin valve.
  4. Open the main valve on the oxygen tank. Turn the valve until it is fully open (until it stops turning).
  5. Open the pressure regulator valve on the oxygen tank (turn clockwise to open) and adjust the pressure in the oxygen line to 10 psi.
  6. Open the oxygen pin valve on the handle of the welding tool, letting oxygen escape. Tweak the pressure regulator valve until the regulator pressure is constant at 10 psi. Close the oxygen pin valve.
  7. Slightly open the acetylene valve (~1/8), until you can just barely hear acetylene escaping.
  8. Make sure there is no person or anything flammable in the path of the nozzle. Use the striker to ignite the acetylene. The flame should be yellow/orange and will give off a lot of soot.

Adjusting the flame

  1. Open the acetylene valve further and watch the flame near the nozzle tip. Add more acetylene until the flame is just about to separate from the tip. (The flame will separate from the tip of the nozzle if you add too much acetylene.) If so, reduce the flow until the flame reattaches to the tip, and then open the valve again to the near-separation point. (Another method is to adjust the flow until it just turns turbulent.)
  2. Slightly open the oxygen pin valve. If the flame goes out, turn off the gases and try again. DO NOT try and ignite the flame with both oxygen and acetylene pin valves open. As the oxygen is added the flame will turn bluish in color.
  3. The blue flame will be divided into 3 different color regions - a long yellowish tip, a blue middle section, and a whitish-blue intense inner section. There are three types of flames as described below :
    • Neutral - This type of flame is the one you will use most often in the shop. It is called "neutral" because it has no chemical effect upon the metal during welding. It is achieved by mixing equal parts oxygen and acetylene and is witnessed in the flame by adjusting the oxygen flow until the middle blue section and inner whitish-blue parts merge into a single region.
    • Reducing flame - If there is excess acetylene, the whitish-blue flame will be larger than the blue flame. This flame contains white hot-carbon particles, which may be dissolved during welding. This "reducing" flame will remove oxygen from iron oxides in steel.
    • Oxidizing flame - If there is excess oxygen, the whitish-blue flame will be smaller than the blue flame. This flame burns hotter. A slightly oxidizing flame is used in brazing, and a more strongly oxidizing flame is used in welding certain brasses and bronzes

- Safety
- Regulators
- Long sleeves, flame retardant
- Quick shutoff of fuel
- Tunnel vision
- Fire extinguisher

- Well ventilated. Fumes from torch. The burning. Any other gas buildups.
- Galvanized (or any coating for that matter) fumes poisonous
- Drums and other small spaces. Sealing things up. Collected and escaping gases
- Cleaner the better- oils, dirt, rust, coating
- Cold weld
- Tack welding at multiple points to prevent warping

- Brazing vs welding- Brazing more like soldering
- Mig vs flux wire- flux is cheaper but much more difficult for the amateur
- Stick welder is the cheapest, but leaves slag that must be cleaned and often pollutes good welds
Referenced recommended regulator pressures and other good details

Low budget tour of equipment from a inexperienced welder

Hooking up the regulators

Recommended tip per gauge and lens shade per tip

Lighting and adjusting the flame

Great video on how to start a beed of molten metal. Would have been better if they would have heated the subject at the same time as the rod.

Art welding. Lots of good tips.

Semi pro mig welding

Brazing tips

Monday, October 18, 2010

Java in Firefox and VMWare Scroll Wheel

Install java in firefox to use webex (don't forget to install flash as well)
google: java install firefox linux
(I couldn't get this to work on ubuntu 10 x86_64.. works find on the Ubuntu 8 32 bit just fine)

Even better:

Get the scroll wheel to work
edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
in Section "InputDevice" add Option "Protocol" "imps/2"
then restart x (reboot or ctrl-alt-backspace)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Installing Redmine on Ubuntu 10.04 amd64

Apache with mod_passenger is already installed with the generic Ubuntu install.

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-passenger

Make sure that mysql is installed and running
sudo apt-get install mysql-client mysql server

I choose to not set my mysql root password.  A curses form came up three times asking my to confirm my root password, but it finished normally and respected my request of no password.

Install redmine
sudo apt-get install redmine redmine-mysql

Curses form 1 - configure dbconfig-common

Curses form 2 - database type

Curses form 3 - password for db's admin user
{in my case no password}

Curses form 4 and 5 - db password for redmine/instances/default + confirmation
{in my case redmine-password}

Create symlink to web root
sudo ln -s /usr/share/redmine/public/ /var/www/redmine

sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/redmine
<Directory /var/www/redmine>
    RailsBaseURI /redmine
    PassengerResolveSymlinksInDocumentRoot on

sudo a2ensite redmine

sudo service apache2 restart

sudo chmod +r /etc/redmine/default/session.yml /etc/redmine/default/database.yml

Visit http://localhost/redmine

The default account:password is admin:admin.

Adapted from:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Simple sed commands

APPEND MATCHED LINE: Add a line following the line matching the regular expression
sed '/regex/a line inserted following regex' file

regex - is any regular expression
a - the append command (can be followed by a space, a \ or directly adjacent to the line)
line inserted following regex - this is the literal text (can include \n if inserting multiple lines)
file - the file to operate on

APPEND FILE: Append lines to the end of a file
sed '$a line of appended text' file

$a - append to the end of file command
line of appended text - this is the literal text (can include \n if inserting multiple lines)
file - the file to operate on

SUBSTITUTE: Substitute text
sed 's/find/replace/g' file

SUBSTITUTE: Substitute advanced
sed 's/\(.*\)\(but.*is\)\(.*\)/\2 : \1\2\3/g' mysql

Escape the parenthesis
\1 \2 \3 are the matches

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Zend Framework Performance - specifically helper vs partial vs action helper vs action stack

There is a good section in the ZF reference guide regarding performance.  Specifically, pertaining to helpers, partials, action helpers, and action stacks.  This article hates on the partial because it is expensive to clone the view object.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wipe or shred hard drive before selling to remove personal data

sudo shred /dev/sda1 -f -v -z --iterations=1

Where /dev/sda1 is the partition you wish to wipe clean.

Increase the iterations for a "deeper" wipe.

This actually runs two iterations because of the -z.  The first pass is random and the second pass is zeros.

I've also used wipe which seems to be held in higher regard by some.  It just ran and ran on the default settings.. I let it run for a full day and it was still going.

The major problem with wipe is that it does not come on the Ubuntu live disk and shred does.  Makes it a bit easier if connecting to a network is not handy.

If you need to use wipe, you can add it using the package manager, but you have to add the "user contributions" package repository to find it.  -- Lightly paraphrased.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

May need to look into this verse an yahoo store.

Looks interesting.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mounting an ext2 or ext3 drive to a MAC

UPDATE 8/19/2010!!! MACFUSE works, but is slow. I hooked a SSD through a USB external. Read speed when connected to a SATA controller are over 200MB/sec. Hooked through USB2.0 to linux over 50MB/sec... USB2.0 to MACFUSE 5MB/sec.

Others report that write access is in MACFUSE is flakey. I'm going with an unjournaled hfsplus for sharing between mac and linux.

Seems to me it should be built in.. But it isn't.

The bottom line as to the easiest way to share a disk between Mac and linux is to use a Mac File system (not journaled). Journaling seems to impair Linux from writing.

Not exactly true. Mac fuse with ext3 (journaled works fine too) There were a couple of problems that I had to figure out. You must partition the drive.. you cannot format /dev/sda.. it must /dev/sda1... or something like that. Otherwise it only mounts readonly. Further, the automounting only works readonly as well. So if you manually mount then you can have rw access.

sudo fuse-ext2 -o rw+ /dev/disk1s1 /Users/matt/tmp/

The above link also leads me to believe that I can automount rw... still need to experiment.
sudo ./fuse-ext2 /dev/disk1s2 /Volumes/journeyer/ -o force

Mac dot underscore (._) or AppleDot problem

"So it seems OSX likes to add ._ (dot-underscore or AppleDot) copies of files when transferring files between operating systems."

Seems to be a finder issue
from the bash: export COPY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE =true You could also try ftp/scp before you tar the files (since it's the tar itself that creates the resource forks).

Friday, August 13, 2010

Send large files download link in email


Limited recipients and number of up and downloads on free account. But you are able to send a 2GB file with ease.

Similar to

Sent from my iPod

Monday, August 2, 2010

Performance tests with USB thumb drive and a USB sata drive

Copied 4047503360 bytes (4GB) from external SATA drive to local SSD hard drive over USB
time cp Fedora-11-x86_64-DVD.iso ~
3:16 minutes
19.69 MB/sec

Copied same file back to external SATA over USB
cp ~/Fedora-11-x86_64-DVD.iso /Volumes/UNTITLED/
2:45 minutes
23.39 MB/sec

Read same file from SATA drive over USB
time cat /Volumes/UNTITLED/iso-install/Fedora-11-x86_64-DVD.iso > /dev/null
1:49 minutes
35.41 MB/sec

Read same file from SSD
time cat ~/Fedora-11-x86_64-DVD.iso > /dev/null
31 seconds
124.52 MB/sec

Copied 676411392 bytes (645MB) from external thumb to local SSD hard drive over usb
time cp /Volumes/4GB\ THUMB/KNOPPIX_V6.0.1CD-2009-02-08-EN.iso ~
42 seconds
15.36 MB/sec

Copied same file back to external SATA over USB
time cp ~/KNOPPIX_V6.0.1CD-2009-02-08-EN.iso /Volumes/4GB\ THUMB/KNOPPIX_V6.0.1CD-2009-02-08-EN.iso.2
1:24 minutes
7.68 MB/sec

Read same file from USB thumb drive
time cat /Volumes/4GB\ THUMB/KNOPPIX_V6.0.1CD-2009-02-08-EN.iso > /dev/null
31 seconds
20.81 MB/sec

Monday, July 26, 2010

How to background and nohup (run after terminal close) a running process

  1. run it in the foreground
  2. stop it (CTRL+Z)
  3. disown it so that it won't be closed when you close your shell (disown -h %jobid)
  4. restart the job in the background (bg %jobid)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Youtube to ipod video converter

Seems to be affiliated with AVS video converter.

I save them as MP4s.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

setuid and getuid program execution

The sticky bit on user or group causes the command to run as that user or group
chmod ug+s printid

I typically used this on the group of a directory forces the sub files/folders to be in the same group.

This is also how commands that require root level are able to be executed.

You can prevent this from happening by mounting a partition with the nosuid option.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mercurial: publish multiple repositiory with hgwebdir.cgi

The biggest problem I had was adding a script handler into the apache directory configuration.  Otherwise everything went smoothly

Reliable Windows backup

My wife has over 100K files and some very, very log file names.  These have caused me lots of grief over the years.  The following robocopy seems to work the best out of everything.
The file name/folder path length is the oddity.  I don't remember all the details, but it is something like... NTFS allows very large if not infinite file name and folder path lengths.  However, very view applications accomiadate this.  The includes Microsofts file explorer.  I don't recall if I attempted using the file explorer in Windows7, but I am certain it failed as late as Vista.
robocopy f:\Users\rox\Desktop g:\Desktop /s /e /eta
robocopy f:\Users\rox\Favorites g:\Favorites /s /e /eta
robocopy f:\Users\rox\Documents g:\Documents /s /e /eta
robocopy f:\Users\rox\Pictures g:\Pictures /s /e /eta

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ubuntu equivalent of Mac Spotlight

or another alternative

sudo apt-get install deskbar-applet

alt-f2 runs an application (I believe regardless)

Right-click on the panel and select "Add to panel..."

Right click on the Desktop Applet icon to set preferences.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Creating diff patch patches

diff -ruN orig/ new/ > my.patch
cd orig
patch < ../my.patch

Takes care of new files, removed files, and changes within files.

Compiling mercurial (hg) from source

Fedora Core 10 (FC10)

Required rpm (among others)
sudo rpm -ivh python-devel-2.5.2-1.fc10.i386.rpm

Download and extract mercurial source (this example is 1.5.2)

sudo make all
sudo make install
sudo python install

hg debuginstall -- will debug the ~/.hgrc settings

username = matt
verbose = True

mkdir test
cd test
hg init
hg serve -d

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Capturing config file for a remote on the USBUIRT

irrecord --driver=uirt2 --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 lircd.conf

Sunday, May 2, 2010


For windows add:
fastcheck = yes

Not sure how to fix the PROPS "question mark" confusion.  Seems to be mostly with svn stuff... which I really don't want in a UNISON sync anyway.


RPMs required on FC10 to add VMWare Tools

rpm --force -ivh make-3.81-14.fc10.i386.rpm kernel-headers- gcc-4.3.2-7.i386.rpm glibc-devel-2.9-2.i386.rpm glibc-headers-2.9-2.i386.rpm kernel-devel- 

VMWare tools requires

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Move MP3s perl script

$x = 1;
   $tmp = sprintf("%02d - Spanish.mp3", $x++);
   `mv '$_' '$tmp'`;

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Battery Internal Resistance

Vdrop = Vbatt*(Rbatt/(RL+Rbatt))
Rbatt = Vdrop*(RL/(Vdrop+Vbatt))

Vdrop is the difference in your two readings above
Vbatt is the open circuit voltage measured above
RL is the resistor you load the battery with
Rbatt is the battery internal resistance you're looking for

Monday, February 8, 2010

Microsoft remote desktop connection tips

Ctrl + Alt + End
Send Ctrl + Alt + Delete to remote session; Brings up the Windows Security dialog box.

Ctrl + Alt + Break
Switches the client between a window and full screen.


Alt + Page Up
Switches between programs from left to right.

Alt + Page Down
Switches between programs from right to left.

Alt + Insert
Cycles through the programs in the order they were started.

Alt + Home
Displays the Start menu.

Ctrl + Alt + Pause
Toggles between full screen and windowed mode
(note that this does not set the client desktop to the correct size)

Alt + Del
Displays the Windows menu

Ctrl + Alt + Num -
Places a snapshot of the client’s active window on the clipboard

Ctrl + Alt + Num +
Places a snapshot of the client’s entire desktop area on the clipboard

To invoke task manager for nested terminal services sessions (two levels deep)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bash script- Kill a process if it runs too long


# Can hang (google actually doesn't respond to ab useragent)
ab -c20 -n100

# get pid from previous command

# Wait for 10 seconds then send an interrupt
# apachebench will produce output if ctrl-c (or kill -2)
sleep 10 && kill -2 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1&

wait $pid

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rxvt is a better terminal for cygwin

@echo off
chdir C:\cygwin\bin
set EDITOR=vi
set VISUAL=vi
set CYGWIN=codepage:oem tty binmode title
rxvt -sr -sl 10000 -fg white -bg black -fn fixedsys -fb fixedsys -tn cygwin -e bash --login -i

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mounting an ISO in Windows 7

The utility that we will use is called Virtual Clone Drive. This utility will let you mount .ISO, .CCD, .DVD, .IMG, .UDF and .BIN files. Download the utility and start the setup process.


  • Virtual CD-ROM (Microsoft) – This utility does not work in Windows Vista
  • MagicDisk – This is a nice, free utility with more features, but it's not quite as simple to use.
  • Alcohol 52% – Free version of Alcohol 120, but it bundles a browser toolbar that they claim isn't spyware. It's unacceptable.
  • Daemon Tools – Well known tool, but the latest version installs spyware on your computer, and the old version doesn't work in Vista or 7.

File Synchronization


Free for light useage


Using rsync
rsync -auz /src/foo hostB:/dest
rsync -auz hostB:/dest/foo /src

The first command pushes all the files that are newer on hostA to hostB. The second command will pull all the files that are newer on hostB to hostA. The critical options are: 
- when copying, you must preserve file modification times. "-a" does this and other things; if you want to preserve just the modification times, use "-t" instead.
- you must skip any files that are newer on the destination: "-u" does this.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Relocate user profile to another drive in Windows 7

First active the administrator account (from a cmd prompt "Run as administrator")
net user administrator /active:yes
net user administrator password

Second, move c:\Users\x to another drive such as d:\Users\x

Finally, create the symbolic link
mklink /D C:\Users\x  D:\users\x

Plotting points on a map based on free text

Under the hood here is what happens:


System V Queues

Just a memory place holder and a couple of useful commands

ipcs - show
ipcrm - used to clear the queue

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bandwidth Throttle on MAC

ipfw add pipe 1 from any to any out
ipfw add pipe 2 from any to any in
ipfw pipe 1 config bw 128Kbits/s
ipfw pipe 2 config bw 256Kbits/s

ipfw pipe 1 config delay 200ms
ipfw pipe 2 config delay 200ms

ipfw flush

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dot Underscore (._*) files in Mac

When creating a tar file in the mac.. the operating system adds ._* files for some reason.  To disable this..


Installing the VirtualBox "Tools" in Fedora Core 10

From the fedora package install media..

sudo rpm -ivh kernel-devel- kernel-headers- gcc-4.3.2-7.i386.rpm glibc-devel-2.9-2.i386.rpm glibc-headers-2.9-2.i386.rpm

Mount the VBoxAdditions from the VirtualBox menu

sudo /media/VBOXADDITIONS_3.1.2_56127/

Restart the VM.. not sure why just restarting X didn't work, but either way it does the trick.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Access Denied When Deleting Flash Plugin

"When you try to delete flash plugin (flash6.ocx, flash10c.ocx) from %windir%\system32\Macromed\Flash folder, you get "permission denied" even if you're the owner of the directory. The reason is that Flash plugin installer sets DENY WRITE permissions in NTFS ACL for this file, and DENY permissions rules always override ALLOW rules. So when you try to delete even you're the owner of the files, you're denied to do that :)

To fix this and delete the file, first run regsvr32 /u <path_to_file> command to unregister the file (if it's registered in the system). Then you have to open file properties, go to "Security" tab, click "Advanced" button and remove two "Deny" entries there. Then you won't have any problems deleting the file."

or (more details if you read Russian)

Take control of system protected files in Windows 7

For Files:

takeown /f file_name /d y
icacls file_name /grant administrators:F

For Directories (will perform action recursively):

takeown /f directory_name /r /d y
icacls directory_name /grant administrators:F /t

Friday, January 1, 2010

Windows 7: After copy of favorites from old system

1. Open an admin command prompt
2. navigate to the directory containing your favorites folder (C:\Users\username, unless you have moved it)
3. Execute this command:

icacls favorites /setintegritylevel (oi)(ci)low

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