
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Setting up xamp environment with netbeans, mercurial, and Zend Framework

Install mercurial for windows for NetBeans integration

Add mercurial bin directory to the windows path

Add xampp php to the windows path

Add the Zend Framework bin folder to the windows path

Execute zf tool commands from the windows powershell

zf create project zend-sample

Add the following to the httpd-vhosts.conf (and uncommment the NameVirtualHost line)

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin postmaster@dummy-host2.localhost
DocumentRoot "C:\Users\matt\Documents\NetBeansProjects\zend-sample\public"
ServerName zend-sample
ServerAlias www.zend-sample
ErrorLog "logs/zend-sample-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/zend-sample-access.log" combined
<Directory C:\Users\matt\Documents\NetBeansProjects\zend-sample\public>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Add to the hosts file: zend-sample www.zend-sample

Add the zend framework library path to the include_path in the php.ini

Restart apache

Add the .hgignore

In netbeans add the zend framework library to the include path

Gift Tax Limitiations

What if my spouse and I want to give away property that we own together?
You are each entitled to the annual exclusion amount on the gift. Together, you can give $22,000 to each donee (2002-2005) or $24,000 (2006-2008), $26,000 (effective on or after January 1, 2009).

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Magic Trackpad for Windows

Download this patch (available for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit)

7-zip and extract the contents of the exe

"BootCampUpdate32.msp" – extract the contents of this file

will have a file called "Binary.AppleWirelessTrackpad_Bin" – just add a .exe extension to this file and then double-click to run it.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Arduino Microcontroller Relay Control Projects

ncurses on ubuntu and cygwin

By adding ncurses to cygwin you get a more robust terminal that reformats the text when you resize the rxvt terminal.  You get the clear command and it facilitates searching within a "less" command to say a few of the benefits.

Same is true for ubuntu.  I was suprised that my 10.04 installed did not include it by default.

sudo apt-get ncurses-term

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Harddrive backup

HDCLONE - windows or ext

Carbon Copy Backup

Block-level copies vs. file-level copies

Cloning an entire volume to another volume can be achieved in two ways: 1) Copying every file individually from one volume to the other or 2) Copying the underlying blocks from one volume to the other. These two methods are called "file-level copying" and "block-level copying", respectively. While each method produces functionally the same result, block-level copying is almost always faster than file-level copying.

To benefit from a block-level copy for a volume-to-volume clone, the following criteria must be met:

You must choose to "Delete items from the target that don't exist on the source" during the clone.
You must be able to unmount both volumes (there cannot be any open files on either volume and you cannot be booted from either volume). Do not actually unmount the volumes prior to the clone.
The target volume must be at least as large as the source volume.
If any of these criteria are not met, CCC will automatically fall back to a file-level clone. A file-level clone will yield the same result -- a bootable clone, but it will take a little longer.

While a block-level clone is rarely required to insure the fidelity of your backup, some people find comfort in the fact that, block-for-block, the resulting target is precisely like the original (this is simply impossible with a file-level clone). Don't lose sleep, though, if meeting the requirements for a block-level clone is untenable for your particular backup or cloning situation. The file-level backup engine in CCC has been tuned and honed to bring the best performance and fidelity possible among Mac OS X backup utilities.

To benefit from a block-level copy for a volume-to-disk image clone, the following criteria must be met (and note that you cannot boot Mac OS X from a disk image):

You must choose the "Backup everything" cloning method.
You must be able to unmount the source volume and the source volume must not be the startup disk. Do not actually unmount the source volume prior to the clone.
The underlying target volume must have enough capacity to accommodate the amount of space used on the source volume.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

ufw (uncomplicated firewall) is an easier iptables

ufw default deny
ufw allow ssh
ufw allow www

or you can allow/deny by port and protocol.

less /etc/services to see a list of services by name

ufw enable

The ufw command even manages the init.d process for you.

If you enable logging then it logs to /var/log/messages : grep for UFW